On 1/10/2017 7:34 AM, juan wrote:
I addressed that in another post. As a matter of fact the collapse of WTC7 is very ordered, ESPECIALLY when compared to other unambiguous examples of controlled demolition. "It seems like the team responsible for WTC7's demolition was especially skilled." (copypasting myself)
There is a video of the last couple of guys inside the WTC 7, a newsman and a secret service guy. They are searching for wounded who might need evacuation - because large parts of the building have already fallen down, and they expect the rest to come down shortly. There is rubble everywhere, because the building is disintegrating slowly around them, and after a bit they realize it is not so slow any more and they decide it is past time to get the hell out. They clearly expect the building to fall soon. Do you suppose that they were in on the conspiracy and were planting demolition charges?