On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 5:44 PM zeynepaydogan <zeynepaydogan@protonmail.com> wrote:
Auch in diesem Jahr findet der Kongress des Chaos Computer Clubs wegen der Pandemie lediglich digital statt. Das Thema IT-Sicherheit steht diesmal im Mittelpunkt - aber auch, wie man Hacker besser schützen kann, die Sicherheitsmängel melden.
Thanks Zeynep, IMHO there will be never IT security because devices for digital communications and their software are *consumer* goods. Hacker's may think of 'renaming' their status and become officially penetration testers. I know of one person, who regularly pen tests political parties' sites or other 'important' sites, had done this over 130k times and always reported it and never ran into any problems. Regarding the CCC. I remember them from the beginning and remember from that time that they had also 'moles' among them, without knowing it and nowadays, they stay in bed with our political parties and main stream media, so it seems. For real hackers IMHO a no go. Regards Stefan