On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 04:17:08PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
so tell me again that I was 'fooled' by the 'MSM'?
Punk, you were right - Trump did not get inaugurated on 20 Jan, I was sadly wrong. Yesterday this fact hit hard - gutted in fact. Down for the count for many hours, and only a few fren memes and two actual real life friends provided an eventual pick up. The worst part's the sense of being betrayed: "trust the plan" (which had just failed), "hold the line" (what line existed any more?), "the best is yet to come" (well, instead of the best, the worst pile of shit just landed on everybody's lap). And I felt for a time like a fool, a dupe and a loser, all rolled up in a bundle of shitty reality. In that moment, the "dark night of the Soul" as they call it, life seemed pointless, and worthless in the face of the endless evil, corruption and failure despite the best efforts of thousands of fellow activists and millions of patriots. A terrible place to be in. And yes Trump's done a bunch of very strange pardons and NOT done the pardons we ought have and which the people need. That's also bad. Very bad. It seems on the face of it that I was wrong and mistaken. At least about timelines. All of that said and agreed to, there is a possible alternative narrative, hopefully the true narrative, still in play though neither confirmable nor refutable.... yet. And admittedly that narrative appears in some ways harder to sustain as the days roll by. This might yet sound quite odd, but the truth is that despite severe emotional oscillations in recent days, I remain strongly hopeful - and further, if this alternative narrative turns out to be true, the world is in store for a muffa of a revelation beyond the wildest imaginings of most normies. [ Think at least some of those pardoned were like ISIS terrorists exchanged in a deal behind the scenes… Think Biden in a movie studio and not in the White House, with instead of the White House lawn outside the window, instead a rising (slight hill) lawn with a capark and parked rando civvy car - right in that carpark… Think 1776, and 1871 and the unconstitutional Fed, and the unconstitutional Dictrict of Columbia - think the entire global fiat ponzi from the Vatican on down… Think DC was literally a foreign occupying power, now occupied/controlled and cordoned off by the national guard, with Biden's "cancelled" inaguration rehearsal later broadcast as the actual inauguration (blue vs gray sky, fencing and military occupation vs none, and perhaps more)… Think last minute insane "ace" up the sleeve of the literally Satanic deep state such as a Hollywood-style traitorous general (there are two, and one uncertain fidgety) literally blackmailing World War 3, and imagine the consequent last minute shift of plans in the face of such blackmail - would YOU call bluff on making Cali uninhabitable for millennia? You just -know- that any such evil would be blamed on Russia… Imagine the incredible anger felt by that traitor-General deep state "man" when he realised Trump would never sell out the people and that this General would now soon be called upon by his Luciferan master to do the deed - to make the ultimate blackmail call, by his own hand and in his own words, against all the American people, when he realised that Trump would never back down, never sell out the people of the world… What appeared as check mate for team Trump, at the very last minute became a (hopefully temporary) counter check from the evil deep state. And so anOTHER layer of this evil is hopefully soon routed… And if this absolite gobsmacking narrative be true? What would you do had you been in Trump's shoes? We live another day, to pray another day, to redpill and blackpill another normie, to expose another creased and freshly unwrapped flag supposedly hanging for years in the oval office but actually some other place, to give a fren a helping pat on the back, to consider and plan many possibilities for the future. (A new patriot party is not in principle needed - what's needed is more people with the skill to filter traitors and wetfeet from true principled humans - THAT is our real challenge, that and building real relationships with real patriots in the real world...) So like it or not, we Q-tards live to fight another day of this war. What else is there to do at this point but continue our righteous stand?... ]