So, I can't tell if the voting issue is fake news or not, since I don't know the details of anyone in one of the affected areas. They appear to be stating that they do not accept digital votes. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: SOS Orestar-Support * SOS <Orestar-Support.SOS@oregon.gov> Date: Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 5:39 PM Subject: RE: People Hacking Votes Right Now Fwd: OR/WA Election System Flawed: Votes Changed by Black Hatters To: Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> Hello, Thank you for reaching out to our office. You can find information regarding Election Security on our website by visiting this link: https://sos.oregon.gov/elections/Pages/security.aspx Altering someone’s voter registration or attempting to vote another person’s ballot are crimes. It is a felony with up to 5 years in prison and a $125,000 fine. Attempts to alter information on MyVote can be tracked through our system logs to help identify the individual who is committing the crime. No votes can be cast or cancelled online through MyVote. While you can view a voter’s information if you know their name and birthdate, (it is all public information that anyone can view at an elections office) you cannot change it online without having the drivers license number. The mark my ballot tool helps voters with disabilities and military and overseas voters to mark their ballot. They still must return the ballot with the proper identifying information, including their signature, which will be compared against the voter’s signature in the voter registration file before being accepted to count. Thank you, Oregon Elections Division Phone: 503-986-1518 Email:Elections.SOS@Oregon.gov [image: cid:image001.png@01D51C66.5FBE3300] -----Original Message----- From: Karl [mailto:gmkarl@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2020 6:55 PM To: SOS Orestar-Support * SOS <Orestar-Support.SOS@oregon.gov> Subject: People Hacking Votes Right Now Fwd: OR/WA Election System Flawed: Votes Changed by Black Hatters Hi orestar-support.sos, A lot of people have been talking about logging in to https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/showVoterSearch.do as people other than themselves, and messing votes up or changing things to be more republican. See discussions at for example https://boards.4chan.org/search#/votergate/pol . Could you maybe disable this page to reduce the damage? Could you also please share this information with any other states using the same system? I've only e-mailed you. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Se7en <se7en@cock.email> Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2020 16:13:14 -0700 Subject: OR/WA Election System Flawed: Votes Changed by Black Hatters To: "Cock.li Mailing List" <mailman@lists.cock.li>, Cyperpunk Mailing List < cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org> Cc: Jeff Rense <ContactRense@earthlink.net>, Matt Drudge < drudge@drudgereport.co>, Lars Larson <lars@larslarson.com>, Rush Limbaugh < rush@rushlimbaugh.com> THE OREGON AND WASHINGTON ONLINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM HAS A MAJOR FLAW THAT ALLOWS ANYONE TO FIND THE PERSONAL ADDRESS OF ALL REGISTERED VOTERS, ALLOWS ONE TO CANCEL VOTES, AND ALLOWS INDIVIDUALS TO ISSUE BALLOTS IN OTHER'S NAMES! This is not a joke people. Last night, black hatters successfully used the system to find the personal addresses of Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates[1]. The Black hatters then discovered a system of online voting designed for senior citizens and disableds to vote. This system was then used to cancel the ballot issued by Mayor Ted Wheeler (D, Portland) to President Donald Trump as proof of the flaws. Voter registrations were then changed for numerous individuals to change their mailing address to gibberish.[2] This is NOT A BUG, this is a DESIGN CHOICE for convenience. Furthermore, it was also brought to attention that people can email a vote in. The way the system works is that the most-recent ballot is the only valid one, and all previous ballots were canceled. This group of blackhats, posting to the 4chan board /pol/, were later suppressed and silenced. I expected this to be front-page news by morning. I see nothing of it. Shortly after this was discovered, the voting system was briefly down but restored Sunday morning. No changes were made. All one needs to do is know the Legal Name, and the birth date of the individual to find their private information. No other qualifiers are necessary. The website itself for voter registration[3] does not have a TLS Certificate, meaning the connection is insecure and any information submitted to it is vulnerable to a simple MITM attack. This is the /least/ of the problems at hand. I do not know when this system was implemented, but I believe it may have been as far-back as 2008. This should be FRONT PAGE NEWS across the entire country. I request that anyone who reads this email forward it to at least 10 more individuals to spread the word. [1] <https://imgur.com/jNxdUmO.png> [2] <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hujJxFVcCa0> [3] <https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/showVoterSearch.do> -- |-----/ | Se7en / The One and Only! | se7en@cock.email / | 0x0F83F93882CF6116 / | https://se7en-site.neocities.org