https://mobile.twitter.com/stiffsdotcom https://stiffs.com/ Domain continuously registered since 1997-08-06, site claims 1994. AP, PAM FutureMaps, Sanjuro, etc appear as subjects on list once in a while. Many potential technical components for a fully autonomous gaming system are slowly appearing. Indistinguishability Obfuscation / Homomorphic Encryption could play roles in autonomous code operating within a network. For example, if InOb allows for code to be invisible, then the code might not need to be running multiple uncensorable copies of itself that then need consensused together like nonstop computing / space computers do... plausible deniability allows any node to safely provide cycles to the code. A survivable distributed compute platform could be useful for many realworld applications, wherein what is surviving are the application code itself that are injected into them and run thereafter without attendance, not subject to censor or downtime so long as the network remains up, generating or receiving their own income to pay their own cost of compute run cycles in the network. Imagine an unkillable poker or chess bot, send a few coin and a message to its address API, it wakes up plays a few hands, moves some pieces, reports the weather, etc. Then hibernates on the net / chain till the next trigger. Multiple independant instances of a game are just another injection and address away. Hardest part of games such as sports betting is need to draw consensus over inputs as to what the weather was yesterday... perhaps easier than creating a [learning] AI that can reliably scrape it from the real world on autopilot, which it might need to do weekly for years on end given the accumulators involved in longer larger bets. Consensus based on input from oracles to crypto blockchain prediction systems has been noted. Pluggable portable updateable modularity of separate yet interacting code components can reduce the need to halt code or login for system maintenance. Yet that is not ideal... a simple digital library core where users only add and deposit/refund book orders should be capable of operating fully autonomously. Today gambling runs only on single centralized websites, and is subject to various regulations, and to takedown even by traffic analysis and other attacks to find such sites... they work for a while but seem to die eventually. Tomorrow's more advanced compute, blockchain, cryptocurrency, overlay, RF, satcom, and distributed mesh networks may offer more possibilities for gaming enthusiasts. Even if it's only a nice game of chess with a bot.