On 8/14/16, Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
to be bunk themselves: Clinton did not "slip on ice" going up those Why did her people find it necessary to lie about that?
Is something seriously wrong with Hillary's brain, other than the obvious psychosis? I am about 90% confident that she is presenting with intermittent symptoms of a serious neurological disorder, possibly secondary to circulatory system problems.
That happens when you keep delegating your country to career politicians as if the job was some kind of gratuity for long since useless ones that never left. Wisdom is one thing, failure to terminate political dynasties is another, even 15% election swings due to good are not worth that failure, yet you still tolerate it under bad sub 5% electioneered outcomes. There's also a reason for phrase "retirement age". You'd be better served paying to put them in beach home than continuing let them call govt home and taking your pay. And props to cryptome for their "protect" series, demonstrating anyone needing an army of secrets to protect themselves must be quite disliked by many and standing on very "slippery" ground paved with "lies".