0350 AM I blockchained a video stream of github giving me a strange ratelimit error for the first time ever, during normal browsing. The event in the stream is preceded by me experiencing a past influence trigger to poop rather than continue a small project. The text of the error, which has been occurring on every page, is: Whoa there! You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again; in some cases this may take up to an hour. Contact Support — GitHub Status — @githubstatus I viewed the source and it looked like the content was generated by javascript, not certain. When I refreshed the page to include network details in this post, the site began working again. My video stream can presently be viwed with download.py from https://github.com/xloem/log . Make a file containing this content on one line: {"ditem": ["N8R9sPCEIat6OOQRaCpy8dc4g0W1aacoP9yBuvylzv8"], "min_block": [1068522, "VBm4hzP_wNuv8neg7au0Fp-zlDThCxcJeIGb_Ol3qYViIqmhX2-Wt2t1U7Ib7zP8"], "api_timestamp": 1669884875164} And pass the filename to download.py . It will attempt to write the video content on stdout. The block containing that ditem hasn't mined yet at this time, so there's no guarantee or anything quite yet.