On 10/5/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
traffick boss, torture victim double agent, and janitor practice roleplaying it again
janitor: "ok, torture victim double agent, you've been a perfect worker"
torture victim double agent: "you're my only god, traffick boss!"
janitor: "thank you. now, traffick boss has a final job for you: take this camera recording live everywhere you go."
torture victim double agent: "anything for you, traffick boss!"
janitor gives torture victim double agent a camera
and takes him to see traffick boss
when you can retain memories that cause dissociation you can use them to act in ways the dissociation is trying to prevent, in the personalities that build unaware to do that AI-driven dissociation is similar to AI-driven coverup ..... blargh! tvda takes pictures of traffick boss tvda is unaware of this, and won't drop the camera because boss asked him to hold it meanwhile, traffick boss and traffick boss's AI are trying to prevent information on traffick boss from spreading --- anyway long story short, it makes the fractal dissociation, and the rays of behavior diversity that let the experimentees escape and the interagency infiltrations interbreed [and i guess then the experimentee and rebel factions grow and eventually discover each other, but by then traffick boss mutated ...?