The image is perhaps supposed to be half-funny but in reality it perfectly sums up some of the most fundamental libertarian concepts. The image is a counter example for the typical brain dead statist who thinks he 'refutes' freeedom by asking "BUT WHO WILL BUILD THE ROADS!?" But there's an even more important point being made. The image also counters the propertarian, right-wing, anti-freedom nonsense about the nature of 'private' roads. See, animals, including human animals have been using roads for millions of years, whithout having google-raytheon build the roads and trying to own the people who use them. In other words, fascist, right-wing assholes posing as 'libertarians' building roads and then chosing who can use the road or not are a) not needed b) a serious threat to freedom. And just before I get called a 'commie', I don't object to paying a free-mareket fee to use a paved road, which means I pay and then I exercise my fucking right to free movement, no fucking question asked.