On 08/20/2016 07:42 PM, Mirimir wrote:
My point is that you haven't characterized the players accurately.
Ok then... Characterize them. I assume most of the outcasts and mutineers are NOT 'suits', or government affiliated. (Albeit there may be infiltration occurring in the ranks of the disaffected... because it's quite easy to act disaffected,. Sort of like it's easy to learn the Marxist dialectic and infiltrate a Marxist organization... Which is Why counterculture groups fared better in the infiltration department during Vietnam anti-war activities too... "Here (cop) take this LSD...") But I digress... Characterize them Rr
On 08/20/2016 07:27 PM, Razer wrote:
On 08/20/2016 03:09 PM, Mirimir wrote:
On 08/20/2016 08:54 AM, Razer wrote:
On 08/20/2016 04:02 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 06:23:12AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2016-August/042032.html Fri Aug 19 11:34:54 UTC 2016 thread Shutting down my tor relay Stephan Seitz <stse+tor@fsing.rootsland.net>
Did Tor decide to piss off and disconnect the honest relay operators (or as much of them as possible) while keeping the luser cattle?
AFAIK the onion anonymity highly depends on the honesty of the relays in the "circuit" (or whatever they call it, never mind).
This way all relays will be spooks', while now only most of them are.
Kind of what it looks like. I was busi]y watching the 'culture clash' between 'the suits', and what I affectionately call the 'bone in the nose and earlobe hole' crowd. That's part of the process. Ejecting or forcing out the alts and 'outlaws'.
So you think that Andrea will eventually get lynched?
I don't know any of the players in this Sadomasochistic organizational implosion (I'm not a torproject sock puppet as Juan's deluded rants state). I've just seen this clash of cultures and the backbiting and (as we can see) literal slander before somewhere.
My point is that you haven't characterized the players accurately.
For some reason it seems particularly well-planned out when one culture is the government, and money, and the other culture's ethics 'revolt'(snigger) at those things being primary.
It's not that simple. I'd say that there are at least five cultures: 1) spooks; 2) suits; 3) SJWs; 4) classic geeks; 5) SJW geeks. It's a cluster-fuck.