13 Mar
13 Mar
12:07 a.m.
notes “becoming yourself”, miller >>>> >>> 1758 - there are internal programmers :) we are sometimes big on this 1758 - it says internal programmers may not know the effect of a program but are heavily trained in obedience and memorising signals :) 1759 - other survivors’ internal communities eventually reached a point where they were working together well enough that the internal programmers would share a chart (even a labeled chart back then) of all the programs with the front person. 1803 - the chart was used as a map to rescue those running the programs 1804 - T_T programs had flashback names like “Watching You”. it looks to me like we are not ready to share this chart accurately. ## begin quote As an example, here is how one survivor's internal programmer described his instructions: To turn on a programme hit the black button, speak the programme, and then press in the two-numbered code. To close the programme hit the red button, speak the programme, then press in the reversed two-numbered code. The first number or numbers followed by a comma is the Programmer level that can activate that code. [There was a programmer part on every level of the system: levels 1 to 9 reflected ages five to thirteen, and level 0 meant every level.] The numbers after the comma are the numbers in the alphabet of the first letter of words except the last, and the last letter of the last word of the programme title. So, for example, the code for the programme “Watching You” was 0, 23, 21. The number “0” meant that internal programmers at all nine levels held this programme, as the training was repeated every year. The numbers 23 and 21 after that were for the W in Watching and the U in You. If this survivor wanted to dismantle the programme by going through the memories, she would have to make sure to deal with all nine instances in which the training was given. There were around 200 programmes listed. Each programme also had a spoken code, which would turn the programme on or off if spoken. For example, one programme to make the person go home was triggered by the words “butter cookies”, which were innocuously inserted into a letter from her aunt. To turn this programme off, someone would have to say “Butter cookies 19, 2.” The programme to make her go with someone was triggered by the word “cigarette”. ## end quote great apologies. T_T 1807