On Feb 22, 2017, at 3:15 PM, Mirimir <mirimir@riseup.net> wrote:
On 02/22/2017 12:10 PM, Razer wrote:
On 02/22/2017 10:54 AM, Mirimir responds to Eugen Leitl:
It's allright, I haven't read anything worthwhile here in years. I hope that you're exaggerating;)
I'm just wondering if Eugen Leitl ever contributed anything useful, or he's just a lurker/whiner who hasn't contributed anything worthwhile himself.
I find lots of good stuff from him, but not since the list went to shit.
And I concur. There's an attempt to hijack the list by alt-right trolls that seemed to begin when the majority of people who actually post supported io during his vilification by institutional slander.
Yes, that was the timing. But it's puzzling. I mean, are the alt-right trolls part of the anti-io cabal? But Z*n and Alex were io supporters! Maybe they were double agents ;) Or maybe they aren't really either, but rather ED/*chan assholes, just in it for the lulz. Hard to say.
I'm reminded of Jack Barsky, the former Soviet spy who coded for years for IBM etc.[0,1] This from the Guardian piece is very interesting:
| In the 1980s, Barsky’s most interesting potential recruits were | radical rightwing ideologues; here, Soviet agents would pose as | activists from the radical right. “There was one individual I | reported on who I’m convinced would have fallen for that, because | he was so strongly rightwing,” he says. But Barsky doesn’t know if | any of them proved useful sources for the KGB; it was operational | procedure that the agent who did the profiling and the agent who | tried to recruit them were different people. He continued to send | the profiles; the rest remained a mystery.
So I wonder how much of the alt-right are actually Russian agents. That would be such a fucking coup! USA, pwned ;)
Interesting theory ;). Z*n used to post strictly russian propaganda bullshit, then slowly converted to his current (as of when i blocked him anyway) Trump alt-right anti-semitic fascist nazi persona. Maybe the FSB asked him to switch it up ;) I never thought Alex was smart enough to be his handler, in fact his responses were so moronic and transparent it seems he's stopped posting. Again, maybe at the FSB's direction ;) The wonderful world we live in.