Yes real threat... appointment of anyone as magistrate, bailiff, etc and any land / building as court is a eventual problem. However before then hope is that your impulse pressure, any speedy trial rules, and your pamphleteering education, screws them over so that you can get your law changes in over top of them before they can bribe themselves. Note also a good laugh traffic trial put on for lols by defendant requires at least 0.5 hours to present, combine that with throwing piles of discovery at them, etc ... yes, severely clogged. 33k * 0.5 / 8 hrs / 10 courts = 206 days worth of trial with no piss breaks and no lunch for them. This is minimum, reality of $10M is up to twice and more. Especially after you start randomly flashmobbing it on and off around random jurisdictions in country, a week here, a week there. They won't be able to justifiy their own permanent scale up based on freak event. Meanwhile you're educating widely. People *absolutely fucking hate* traffic tickets and asshole power tripping road pirates, especially "paper" violations and small moving stuff as before, where there was no wreck, no intoxication, no driving like incompetent or roadrage jackass to other people. Throw out a twitter / facebook, or sneaky arraignment day mass in person solicitation with cash in hand, advertising campaign that even $half the ticket price is available for all who go to trial, and they'll probably sign up in droves.