On 5/28/15, Razer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
On 05/26/2015 02:57 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Whoa! 16k! That's -twice- what my CoCo (Tandy color computer for all yous whippasnappas) Trashy80s had more than 8K didn't they?
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandy_Color_Computer I did get it wrong - but the model I thought I was getting was the very first CoCo - at only 4K, and the one I ended up getting by the time I'd saved enough was the second model, at 16K! That was quite an improvement for someone about to learn BASIC. So, I too had a grande olde 16K -whoohooo! Eventually I even managed to hook up an old cassette recorder of my mum's, since I was too impatient to wait for enough savings to buy a swanky new one from the store. By the time floppy drives began gaining real traction in our area the Apple ][ was the go - it was of course better to have a computer that others in the area had since we could of course <cough>share software. So I bought a second hand Apple ][ clone. Those were some serious gaming days! I swapped it with my brother's $1000 (!) portable XT clone with a tiny black and white VGA LCD screen a built in 720K floppy - I told him he should not buy it since he loved the games, and although it might be good as a programming machine, what he really wanted was an Apple of Commodore. After a week, he agreed that the games were what he'd really wanted. I was just happy learning MSDOS with it's directories, and a new version of basic :)