Okay, since you refuse to argue on reasonable grounds, I won't respond to all of your attacks which didn't have any real argument except attempts to demerit the concept of Holistic Medicine. For the sake of the list, I'm going to clarify what and why an H.D. is superior an M.D. which you so fondly massage their crotch for, even though you are probably overweight, nursing one or more addictions, and have lost some desire to live exhibitiing some low-level depression. (This is the common case for liberal Americans.) Holistic Health is greatly superior, even if not (to the published establishment) scientifically more superior, because *logically* health ITSELF is a factor of the WHOLE (hence HOListic), not the sum of it`s parts (like reductionist Occidental medicine, who's glory mostly goes back to the study of dead cadavers and anatomy -- those who failed at making health). Do you get this first point (reductionist vs. holistic)? Holistic Medicine *includes* the science that reductionism has built, but also includes a WHOLE other set of data: the subjective side of health (how does the placebo affect has such an effect on health, for example?). So, it *transcends* the present medical establishment in everyway, except when it comes to blunt trauma, like I said, where they have mastery (bone setting and wound dressing). EVERYTHING else is 100% better served via holistic medicine. Unfortunatley, there just aren't many people trained in it. I practially had to (re)invent the field, because it was awash in pseudo-science, naive spiritualism, and confusions of it's own identity and the use of drugs/supplements as medical aids. So I will define it here: Holistic Health can diagnose and cure ANY disease that Western medicine CLAIMS to cure but without invasive procedures, including chemical-based ingestives (or inhalation). Further, it can avoid the diseases and even mishaps in the first place by creative a more holistic relationship to self, family, the environment, and the divine. I'll define this latter, for the sake of arguing, as "that which transcends the human mind to grasp or comprehend, but, nonetheless, exerting a force upon life itself". Now that wasn't so hard was it? Is that really difficult to take or understand. Western medicine would confound you with specialized language, multi-million dollar equipment, and colored pillls -- all types of power you likely have already given away becuase it seemed impressive, right? Well, America is one of the most diseased, confused, and destructive nations on the planet and you and I know it. It's on the street, it's on Indian reservations, it's in abortion clinics and cosmetic enhancement clinics, the larger-than-usual prison population, and it's in the alarming severity of some brith defects. So, tell me, why do you keep arguing for THEM?
Do you know how a mailing list works? Your email was to me, with the list copied.
No, it was actually addressed to Razor. You, please, are in a state of delusion, arguing with me, holding on to your last little island of power that America has left you -- you're own voice.
Specialized language ? What specialized language would that be? Nobody is using big words here, "Doctor".
Do you actually understand "neurology"? No, and I know this because doctors don't understand it, so how could you?
But pain is often an accompanied symptom of terminal illnesses. Again, why should someone who is dying be forced to suffer? You're a fucking sadist.
They're not forced. They are feeling the weight of their life decisions.
Fuck you, you don't know shit about me or my health you judgemental fucking wannabe chump doctor of "holistic health"
You've given me a lot of data by your outbursts. Do they say something about you? About what forces run your life, for example?
My argument has been clear from the start: what people do in their private lives is none of your fucking business!
But it's not private. If you planted a tree 50 yrs ago and made a table with your own hands, the table is yours, but you didn't make the power in marijuana. Something else did. Should people be able to take whatever they want and use anything as they wish? Is that what you argue?
Well bully for you. Did you get your law degree at the same site selling the doctorate in holistic medicine?
No, I got it from the only school worhty of issuing one: the school of hard knocks. Maybe you feel intimidated by people with degrees when you have none, but I'm using them to educate you. Why fight me? \0xd