On Tue, Sep 01, 2020 at 12:53:24AM -0500, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
On 8/17/20 15:08, grarpamp wrote:
https://banned.video/watch?id=5f37fcc2df77c4044ee2eb03 ShadowGate Documentary Full Version
Politifact rates the film's claims as "Pants on Fire": https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/aug/17/facebook-posts/viral-shado...
USA Today calls it "misinformation": https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/18/fact-check-shadowga...
Alex Jones himself (!) has disavowed Millie Weaver and the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hehsQlHxt2M
From the above I gather that this was taken down not because of some NSA-FBI-CIA-DoD-MI5-UN-NATO-Google-Facebook-Microsoft-Apple-Amazon-Adobe-NBC_Universal-CBS-Disney/ABC-Fox-<insert any other corporate and government agencies of note I left out here> coverup and conspiracy... but because it's a steaming pile of bovine excrement that some people are passing around as though it's the truth.
Hmm. Standard faux vitriol denouncing "that which ought not be followed up". Mr Quinn, your email only emphasizes our collective need for alternative replication tech. "A friend" found it tiresome, if timely and relevant, with sufficient first hand accounts though seeming much inference, but certainly too long for modern viewers; and thus on the whole, far less effective in getting its message across ("O M G, deep state!") than it could and should have been. Sort of an opportunity lost if you will. But then again, a first time newcomer to this genre may find it breathtakingly incisive explosion of mind blowing revelations - this is the whole point of censorship, to take away the individual's right to make such assessments... a very "deep statey" position, albeit one you have been consistent on since forever Mr Quinn. grarpamp's call is the right one - to do your own due diligence, get a plan/program of regulaly downloading that which is the newest latest "leak" before it disappears, and replicate for others not as quick as you. And, assess from your own capacity to assess - use that neurone clanking around in your skull. Of course, if you've got a neurone, you'd already understand the importance of free speech and the right (notwithstanding the capacity) to make your own assessment :)