Gunnar Larson
RE: FOIL Request #4044
Dear Gunnar Larson:
This letter responds to your correspondence dated March 7, 2022, which pursuant to
FOIL, requested:
Dear Madam or sir: We would like access to any/and all
records at DFS with reference if Goldman Sachs knows what a
felony is? Love, JP Morgan.
The Executive Chamber does not have the authority to compel the production of
documents pursuant to FOIL, nor does it have the authority to render an opinion regarding
another agency’s decision to except documents from production pursuant to FOIL. The FOIL
statute and any letter you received from the agency should inform you of your options if you
wish to challenge that agency’s FOIL determination.
Pursuant to Public Officers Law § 89(4)(a), you have thirty (30) days to take a written
appeal of this determination. You may appeal by writing: FOIL Appeals Officer, Executive
Chamber, State Capitol, Albany, New York, 12224.
Very truly yours,
Records Access Office