On 1/5/2018 7:29 AM, juan wrote:
Now what about you applying your racial science to the thieves in wall street?
That the thieves on wall street are predominantly Jewish, most notoriously Bernie Madoff, former Chairman of the NASDAQ stock market, is well known. And of the thieves on wall street that are not Jewish, the remainder are for the most part middle easterners or South Asians. Though I suspect that you classify *everyone* on wall street as a thief, in which case you will come to a different conclusion. If you classify them all as thieves, Jews are still disproportionately over represented, but not by nearly as much. Also, the second most notorious thief on Wall Street is Jon Corzine, who is undeniably white anglo saxon protestant, so Jews are not in themselves the problem. If we had adequate enforcement, Jews would cut out their predatory misconduct. The problem is not Jews, it is inadequate enforcement. But just as if you allow people to commit burglary, you will find that most of your burglars look remarkably like Trayvon Martin, if you allow people to defraud investors, you will find that most of your fraudsters look remarkably like Bernie Madoff. Similarly trading in "Binary Options". That scam is as Jewish as a Bar Mitzvah. Maybe other scams are not so one sidely Jewish - obviously Jon Corzine's operation in European debt were not especially Jewish, and the great Mortgage meltdown was primarily "white hispanic" rather than Jewish. (Goldman Sachs had its fingers in that pie, but Israeli banks would not touch it with a ten foot pole)