According to IBM, the acquisition helps it to harness one of the largest big data opportunities in the world ... The deal will combine two big data platforms, IBM's cognitive and analytics business with that of Weather ... The Weather Company has the fourth-most visited mobile app in the U.S. and handles 26 billion inquiries to its cloud-based services daily, generating about 4 GB of data per second ... including Weather's mobile and web properties, which analyze data from ... over 40 million mobile phones JLENS, has become a fixture of the Baltimore skyline since the first of the two blimps was launched over Middle River in December. When aloft, the aircraft use sophisticated radar to see up to 340 miles in any direction ... It can be used to track ... cars on land. Authorities say the system is intended to watch for and direct fire on ... other threats. Privacy advocates, meanwhile, have expressed concern about deploying such sophisticated surveillance technology over the United States.