On Sun, 6 Dec 2020 06:19:35 -0500 Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Punk, this link helps technophiles make unlimited unregulated firearms; should I think about that at all?
1) I ignore most of the spam coming from professor turd 2) Oh I see he linked a cloudflare surveillance-scam site. 3) plastic guns are mostly a stupid toy 4) let me know when they start 'printing' ammunition 5) the US cesspool has more guns than people. It is of course the most insane fascist cesspool on the planet and has the highest incarceration rate on the planet. And there are almost 1.2 guns per every man, woman, child and infant. There are more guns than people. Something doesn't add up. Or it does. 6) there's this US nazi meme that US subjects are especially 'free' because they have lots of guns, and that their guns 'protect' them from...something. It is of course rambling nonsense.
To met it looks like a way to make 3d printers more commonplace, so that people don't have to buy stuff from corporations to repair their cars.
now they just have to buy 3d printers and plastic from corporations. And cars. And retardphones. And retardfridges. And all the rest of "arpanet networked appliances". Et cetera.
On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 11:46 PM professor turd <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> vomited:
COME and get it