Any other more relevant question for a potential president of the USA? ** Can Hillary Imagine the Global Nuclear Winter a First Strike on Russia Would Bring? (http://russia-insider.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=cec24db5aa&e=5110f4b440) ------------------------------------------------------------ by William Wedin on Sat, Aug 13, 2016 Of course, not. No more than she was able to think beyond the moment of her own Satanic triumph when she learned on air that Gaddafi had just been raped to death with a bayonet by her loyal terrorists and proclaimed: "We came. We saw. He DIED.The way she laughs so demonically. Does she not seem possessed?Hillary doesn't care what death and destruction and immense human suffering may result from her terrorists' actions. She thinks only of how big is her bayonet.Hail, Caesar.How she longs to touch "her" Red Button. What a surge she would feel. Read more ยป (http://russia-insider.us9.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=158bfb176c&e=5110f4b440) http://russia-insider.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=c4803c7aca&e=5110f4b440 http://russia-insider.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2faf7034c3c3c413cb3652f&id=49d4b788af&e=5110f4b440. Back to table of content (#top)