These modern "movements", t-shirt brigades, "protestors", "issues", etc are fake, contrived, manufactured, funded, 1984, traps, not organic... James Lindsay, anti-Fascist @ConceptualJames https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames https://newdiscourses.com/ Trans isn't just happening. Gender ideology (Queer Theory) was mainstreamed on purpose. https://twitter.com/GeraldPosner https://www.posner.com/ https://www.justthefacts.media/p/the-transgender-money-pipeline The Transgender Money Pipeline A quick look at the ultra rich activists behind the transgender movement. "The rise of transgenderism is not simply a spontaneous social tsunami that happened organically. A handful of very wealthy activist contributors has funded and nurtured the movement and tried to make it mainstream. I have tracked the flow of the money through public records, charity and foundation filings, and news reports. This is a snapshot of some of my reporting during the past year. Many of the richest contributors were significant donors to LGB organizations long before T was added. Unless a grant is earmarked for trans issues, it is sometimes difficult to determine how much of a gift to an organization such as The Human Rights Campaign, might be put to transgender matters. Hundreds of new transgender specific charities and advocacy organizations have opened in the last decade. In 2013, less than $2 million went to groups such as the Trans Justice Funding Project or the Palm Center for Transgender Military Service. Annual contributions to transgender associations surpassed a hundred million dollars by 2020, about eight times faster than the increase for overall LGBT funding. The single biggest contributor to the movement is Jennifer Pritzker (formerly James, born male at birth), a cousin of Illinois governor, J. B. Pritzker, and a member of a $37 billon family fortune built from nursing homes and Hyatt hotels. Other key financiers include the Soros family; Warren and Peter Buffett; United Therapeutics CEO, Martine Rothblatt (born male but identifies as a transhuman/transgender woman); software programmer, Tim Gill, the first openly gay man listed on the Forbes 400; Canadian venture capitalist, Mark Bonham; the Tides Foundation creator, Drummond Pike; Jon Stryker, the billionaire heir to the Stryker medical technology company fortune; and the estate of Ric Weiland, who was the second employee at Microsoft. Many of these billionaires fund the transgender lobby through their own charitable organizations. They also pass significant money through Pike’s Tides Foundation and other anonymous funding groups. Large corporations, other charities, and individual philanthropists, send money to the Tides Foundation, specify where the funds go, and their gift is then delivered anonymously. The Tides Foundation acts as a legal firewall and tax shelter for foundations and the wealthy. A snapshot of the charitable contributions to LGBT foundations in 2020 reveals the largest donor was “anonymous;” $31 million in 112 grants that were disbursed through groups like Tides (the second biggest contributor, at $30 million, was the pharmaceutical firm, Gilead, a pioneer in HIV/AIDs medications)." These financiers do not simply write checks. Their money almost always comes with conditions." Read the rest of this article at Just the Facts justthefacts.media/p/the-tra…