On 10/13/2016 11:30 AM, "Cecilia Tanaka" wrote garbage having nothing to do with anything:
Mirimir, my love, thank you very much for your kind intervention, but please just relax and forget all this discussion. Too much ado about nothing, dear. ;)
I really don't care about this kind of childish menace. I don't respect coward people and I don't have patience with brats, too pampered kids.
thinks that his shit stinks less than mine, what is very usual in North-American ego trips. It isn't true. It's excrement the same way.
Fifty bucks is "cheap" for him, a white, male, North-American. For a Brazilian woman is not a so low value and I prefer to donate my money to good institutions, that I really respect and trust. 'Nambla' is his choice, not mine.
I always loved very much, but the next time I try the suicide, I will climb his ego and jump, aff... It will certainly be more fatal than jump off the Golden Gate Bridge! (+-+)*
Please, , try to rest a bit, eat something and keep hydrated. Consider sex/masturbation, chocolate and probiotic yogurt. Your mood is really bad today, aff... :-/
Kisses and hugs, my dear. I love you very much *when you are not kicking me*. Instead donate cash to Nambla, kick them, not me. They are the bad guys, not me.
On Oct 13, 2016 2:18 PM, "Razer" <rayzer@riseup.net <mailto:rayzer@riseup.net>> wrote:
On 10/13/2016 10:06 AM, Mirimir opined:
It was just such a juvenile thing to say. And I don't even get what you're upset about. It's just a fucking email list.
There is no such thing as "just a fucking email list".
There IS such a thing as 'waste of bandwidth'.
But I guess that depends on your perspective.
On 10/13/2016 10:42 AM, Razer wrote:
On 10/13/2016 09:27 AM, Mirimir wrote:
On 10/13/2016 08:42 AM, Razer wrote:
Cc: cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com <mailto:cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com>
I'll tell ya what Cecilia. If you don't stop setting me, and the
up for spam by using the spammer's handle and my handle FOR NO GOOD REASON in the same emails ... I'm gonna start subscribing you to every White Supremacist newsletter I can find. Then I'll start working on the Misogynist Sites. Then... Nambla. Maybe you like little boys eh?
That's a direct threat.
Maybe chill some, bro?
Should I have just done that without warning first?
$50 bucks a year outside the US... Cheap.
It was just such a juvenile thing to say. And I don't even get what you're upset about. It's just a fucking email list.