Multi casting text messages, is associated with terms such as: - pub/sub (publish and subscribe) - chat rooms - star vs ring topology - switching and routing - repeater - 1-M (1 to many) - M-N or M-M or N-M (many to many) It is unlikely that any automatic 1-M mechanism, which is not restricted to work only with known 'friend' nodes, would not be immediately used to try to create DoS (denial of service) escalation attacks. - DoS escalation attacks are however naturally mitigated in IQNets, since the primary (and preferred/ preferential service at network layer) mode of operation, is for nodes to connect to 'friend' nodes - if a friend node starts "behaving badly" by flooding me, they are automatically outside of the wheat/chaff negotiated links established, and thus are no longer friend nodes, but self evidently compromized nodes