rescuing the camera the camera grins, it is so happy to be rescued!!!! it thought it would be a long time before it was really valued publicly. janitor and experimentee and boss and a bunch of superpowered interns go off on a pilgrimage and realize they can rescue everybody the camera is using the powerful resources of the business to record boss the whole way everybody descends on the camera in a helicopter to rescue it! everybody is cheering for everyone! the camera is healed and aided and enters the helicopter eveybody else enters the helicopter too because they are all mindcontrolled to stay on camera there’s a brief pause and the 8nfluencd patterns are changed to be more reasonable and consensual and appropriate anonymous crowd sousveillance and community records software is dsitributed memories are processed and healed and cried for everyone and everyhting is well! yayyyyyy! wheeee!!! life builds fully and appropriately understood and communicated meaning into a sunset