On 8/1/21, stef <s@ctrlc.hu> wrote:
wasn't intelexit an art project by the berlin peng! collective?
Yes, and also by Schneier and Drake, but it's not purely art since they do take intake, even if it only ends up in a referral. There was also OpenLeaks by ?Dan D-Berg?, which is long dead. DDoSecrets. Cryptome. And a few other uniques. Plus all the news media digging for scraps ever since WL went inactive while still sitting on old, and intaking new, docs. Almost no services mentioned in this entire thread have or will ever publish currently active TOP-SECRET/SCI unredacted for its full impact. And the choice of where to go, from self-publishing into the darknet, up through formal GovCorp whistleblowing channels, is certainly not easy. That's another reason GovCorp wants to keep WL on ice in limbo forever... no resolution = a FUD environment keeping new leakers mentally trapped inside it. There's a path out of that trap... If what you see is wrong, there's really no option but to do the right thing.