On Wed, 17 Jun 2015 18:28:27 -0400 Tim Beelen <tim@diffalt.com> wrote:
You should stop smoking lettuce. Just because you think something is not a crime does not not make it not a crime.
I don't smoke lettuce. My example was meant to teach you the basics of morality - something you seem unable to grasp. So, pay attention : human/natural rights exist PRIOR TO ANY FUCKING GOVERNMENT. Enve a retarded 'american' should know this if he bothered to check basic americunt propaganda like the 'declaration of independence'
And I don't think 'murdering people for fun' is the USMC charter.
That's what the shitbags do, however. So what you think about some nonsensical 'charter' has less than zero relevance.
It might be your observation but also generally not true for actual marines. And actually not true in any sense. So. There's that.
There's what? There's a neocon in this mailing list?
And the way you're talking you're probably are an anarchist. Which is also a form of government directed usually by direct democracy.
Well, at least you figured out that I'm an anarchist, although funnily enough you don't seem to know what anarchy is.
government directed usually by direct democracy.
Nope, that's not anarchy.
Wait, you were whining about what the russian government does, right? And on what grounds? Whatever the russian gov't does is 'legal' and 'not criminal'....because they say so! It might be legal, but it's definitely not moral. Which makes it criminal. See? That's your 'theory' at work. Not a very clever theory, I might add.
You're the inane one here. Juxtaposing random shit, yelling that all governments are criminal enterprises like it means something.
It's a basic truth, sonny. It may mean nothing to government worshiping psychos/neocons, but...it is still true.
No, your wrong analogy only shows that you don't know what you're talking about or are plainly dishonest. Or both.
That obviously makes no sense because not all humans are agents that commit crimes. Neither do all agents of governments commit crimes.
Yes they do, to varying degrees. They are all funded with stolen money for starters.
On 6/17/2015 3:33 PM, Juan wrote:
On Wed, 17 Jun 2015 08:53:55 -0400 Tim Beelen <tim@diffalt.com> wrote:
So, you have no knowledge of all the details of the CIA's actions, but you are sure that they consist of violations? Is that right? Of course. Government is a criminal organization, by definition.
That's all you need to know about it.