30 Apr
30 Apr
9:18 a.m.
Tilting Ukraine-wards is such a no-brainer even Julio Assangista has done it. So, sure his good points earn brownie points - Starlingk - batteries Neo - Tin Tin type rockets - boring companies. But no one should forget for one second how this depraved criminal moron is a threat to us all. Once intelligent aliens find out we let him ( and the NASA! WTF!?) plan to despoil and rape a wilderness planet like Mars they could decide we represent a collective threat. Wouldn't you? I would! " Depraved indifference ' only earned the Seinfeld cast a little jail time. It could earn us an extinction event. Elon Musk has richly earned killing ( My 2K ) Self-defense is a legal defense against any murder charge.