On 12/23/2016 04:07 PM, jim bell opined:

That outburst simply shows that you don't believe in the concept of 'private property', which is often defined as 'the right to exclude others'.   Ironically, Communists (of which you are obviously one) believe in the concept of public, or collective, ownership.

Nations such as Venezuela are doing so well these days due to the wonders of Socialism.

            Jim Bell

You aren't talking about "Collective" anything because collectives don't "Exclude" anyone in the sense you mean it... and not-so-ironically I don't believe you're anything more than a right-wing Republican.


There are at least 35 million homeless citizens in the US. That's about ten percent of the total population. Many of them are working and living in cars and shelters. Many of them are children.

AmeriKa is doing well ... If you're RICH WHITE AND MALE ... so what's your point ... White Male Republican?

I KNOW you aren't really interested in anyone upsetting your rotten-apple cart of a belief shitstem but if you need the laugh see this AP Diplo reporter literally crack up over a State Dept hack alleging the US isn't destabilizing Venezuelan society and it's economy.

As far as my politics... Keep guessing. I need the laugh.


"Photo: Associated Press reporter Matt Lee laughs at a US State Department Spokesperson’s contention the U.S. is NOT involved in the recent Venezuelan coup attempt"

Crooks and Liars:

    Which brings us to the laughing stock State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki became yesterday when she claimed [VIDEO] in response to Maduro’s accusations:

        As a matter of long standing policy the United States does not support transitions by non-constitutional means. Political transitions must be democratic, constitutional, peaceful, and legal.

        We’ve seen many times that the Venezuelan government tries to distract from its own actions by blaming the United States or other members of the international community for events inside Venezuela. These efforts reflect a lack of seriousness on the part of the Venezuelan government to deal with the grave situation it faces.

    The Associated Press reporter, Matt Lee, immediately jumped in with quite reasonable incredulity saying “I’m sorry. Whoah, whoah, whoah. The US has a long-standing practice of not promoting [coups] – how long-standing would you say?” Lee continued audibly scoffing and laughing “In particular in South and Latin America that is not a long-standing policy.”
