Here's over a million people irrevocably spent their UTXO, who now already might be second guessing whatever they voted for based on new thoughts since then, let alone what may come to pass between now, debates, and the last week of October Surprise before bumping into any real time buffer of corona panic about delivery / in person. In third world countries half the candidates running for the farce get shot in the last month, lol. All to try to force other people to do things instead of minding their own business. Strange affairs these humans. /over-860000-americans-have-already-voted-compared-fewer-10000-this-point-2016-1534452 " a number much higher than the reported 9,525 votes that were returned at this point in 2016. At least 866,734 people have voted in this year's election as of September 26, according to the U.S. Elections Project, which is run by University of Florida political science professor Michael McDonald. The number is based on 25 states whose early voting data is available, meaning it does not convey the entire picture. "These states are those where I have current data on mail ballot activity," McDonald wrote in a blog post Saturday morning. "More states will be added as state reports become available." "