morlonpoke vomited:
I have not found myself particularly drawn to “crypto.”
why should he, since he gets paid in US pentagon dollars. Here, 3 millions from the pentagon.
web2 centralized everything into platforms, and that web3 will decentralize everything again.
anybody with half a brain should be promoting radical decentralization
- People don’t want to run their own servers, and never will.
I don’t think this can be emphasized enough – that is not what people want. People do not want to run their own servers.
yes, that's exactly what the NSA turds say, word for word. Which is not surprising since morlonspoke is a NSA turd.
Even nerds do not want to run their own servers at this point.
yes, the propaganda gets even more ridiculous. At this point, thanks to trillions in subsidies for technonazis, 'people' can buy 'servers' for $20. And there are hundreds of millions of people who ARE actually running 'servers' - just not the right kind. And anybody with $20 to buy a 'single board computer' and an arpanet connection can TRIVIALLY 'run a server'. Funny that technonazi NSA turd morlonpoke isn't aware of this 'fact'...
Even organizations building software full time do not want to run their own servers
.... guess what? Even JOOGLE-NSA doesn't want to run their own servers!!!
If there’s one thing I hope we’ve learned about the world, it’s that people do not want to run their own servers.
ha ha ha - the motherfucking troll needs to be tortured to death, slowly. Imagine literally repeating the same infinitely idiotic lie FIVE FUCKING TIMES in a row?
The companies that emerged offering to do that for you instead were successful,
oh yes, a pentagon 'anarchist' like morlonpoke measures 'success' the same way that the US MIC/JOOGLE does.
WhatsApp went from unencrypted to full e2ee in a year.
Slack lets you create custom reaction emoji based on your face.
If something is truly decentralized, it becomes very difficult to change, and often remains stuck in time.
.... good thing the jew-nazi-turd morlonpoke is a 'liberal' 'anarchist' - decentralization is bad while slack-NSA and whatap-NSA are good.
I decided to build a couple of dApps and create an NFT.
ah yes, that's what every 'privacy activist' should be doing.
Blockchains are designed to be a network of peers, but not designed such that it’s really possible for your mobile device or your browser to be one of those peers.
so fucking what
At this point, there are basically two companies. Almost all dApps use either in order to interact with the ETHEREUM blockchain.
so ethereum is fucked - and...?
This was surprising to me.
So much work, energy, and time has gone into creating a trustless distributed consensus mechanism, but virtually all clients that wish to access it do so by simply trusting the outputs from these two companies
that's thanks to NSA turds like himself, yet morlonpoke pretends to be surprised...
there’s no hash commitment for the data located at the URL. Anyone with access to that machine, anyone who buys that domain name in the future, or anyone who compromises that machine can change the image,
so called NFTs are completely useless trash. It doesn't matter if some 'nft' protocol has glaring flaws. Also that particular glaring flaw can be trivially fixed. So the turd is ranting about irrelevant and MISLEADING stuff. Shocking.
ethereum and other blockchains have been designed with the idea that it’s a network of peers, but not designed such that it’s really possible for your mobile device or your browser to be one of those peers.
and? oh wait the fucktardphone-nazi is dutifully doing his job, sucking fucktardphone cock. Such a 'progressive' 'commie' 'anarchist' morlonpoke is, he somehow sounds like a motorola-samsung-joogle sales bot. Quite similar to the bell turd.
if you’re managing multiple accounts in your wallet to maintain some identity separation, these companies know they’re linked.
that sounds as bad as signal-NSA, which is just one big 'server' running on amazon-NSA and recording every single bit of 'metadata' forever.
At the end of the stack, NFT artists are excited about this kind of progression because it means more speculation/investment in their art,
- We should accept the premise that people will not run their own servers
Even relatively simple apps require a group of people to sit in front of a computer for eight hours a day, every day, forever.
LMAO!!! Yet another insanely stupid LIE. bottom line : morlonpoke is a fucking NSA clown. Which is something that has been known for a long while now.