Govts and Secret Globalism worldwide going all 1984 on your ass... revolt now. BRBRBRBRBR...! https://rumble.com/v25depn-exclusive-extreme-escalation-of-brazils-censorshi... https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/26/world/americas/bolsonaro-brazil-supreme-c... https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1614046335581229061.html https://rumble.com/GGreenwald Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 2h LIVE, in 15 minutes: Our exclusive report on a major escalation of Brazil's censorship regime: a single Supreme Court judge has ordered multiple Americans social media platforms to immediately ban politicians and analysts or face massive fines: rumble.com/v25depn-exclusive… EXCLUSIVE: EXTREME ESCALATION OF BRAZIL'S CENSORSHIP REGIME | SYSTEM UPDATE #22 Thank you for watching this episode of SYSTEM UPDATE, now airing every weeknight at 7pm ET. Subscribe and join us LIVE on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/GGreenwald Become part of our Locals community: h rumble.com Jan 13, 2023 · 11:46 PM UTC · Twitter Web App 730 2,213 267 7,804 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 2h We will reveal the full order, which we've obtained exclusively: it's truly shocking in its breadth and authoritarianism, with no rationale. Just a command, accompanied by threats. As this thread illustrates, it's a threat to internet freedom globally: Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h BREAKING: The censorship regime in Brazil is growing rapidly, virtually daily now. We just obtained a censorship order that is genuinely shocking, directing multiple social media platforms to *immediately* remove numerous prominent politicians and commentators. Show this thread 100 355 12 1,833 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 2h We'll interview at least one of the Brazilian commentators who is the subject of this order. The just has ordered his decision be kept secret. The censored analyst had no idea these platforms were ordered to ban him until we called. The key context: nytimes.com/2022/09/26/world… To Defend Democracy, Is Brazil’s Top Court Going Too Far? Brazil’s Supreme Court has acted as the primary check on President Jair Bolsonaro’s power. Now many are worried the court is posing its own threat. nytimes.com 113 286 10 1,535 Greg Drew @SchwerbTheHerb 1h Replying to @ggreenwald How is a single judge so powerful, seems like he pulls the strings of a shadow gov in Brazil? 4 1 20 more replies Jonathan Kogan @Kogz 1h Replying to @ggreenwald @chrispavlovski What a time to be alive! Crazy to watch this happen in real-time… Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 9 Dec 2022 We're incredibly excited to announce the debut of @SystemUpdate_ -- to air nightly, live, Monday-Friday at 7 pm ET -- exclusively on Rumble. Our first live show will be this Monday, December 12, featuring an interview with @Mtaibbi and other topics and guests:👇 398 1,243 92 6,210 351,057 Show this thread Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 1h Starting now, LIVE: Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 1h LIVE, in 15 minutes: Our exclusive report on a major escalation of Brazil's censorship regime: a single Supreme Court judge has ordered multiple Americans social media platforms to immediately ban politicians and analysts or face massive fines: rumble.com/v25depn-exclusive… Show this thread 207 142 8 806 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 1h LIVE, in 15 minutes: Our exclusive report on a major escalation of Brazil's censorship regime: a single Supreme Court judge has ordered multiple Americans social media platforms to immediately ban politicians and analysts or face massive fines: rumble.com/v25depn-exclusive… EXCLUSIVE: EXTREME ESCALATION OF BRAZIL'S CENSORSHIP REGIME | SYSTEM UPDATE #22 Thank you for watching this episode of SYSTEM UPDATE, now airing every weeknight at 7pm ET. Subscribe and join us LIVE on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/GGreenwald Become part of our Locals community: h rumble.com 615 1,924 235 6,642 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 1h We will reveal the full order, which we've obtained exclusively: it's truly shocking in its breadth and authoritarianism, with no rationale. Just a command, accompanied by threats. As this thread illustrates, it's a threat to internet freedom globally: Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h BREAKING: The censorship regime in Brazil is growing rapidly, virtually daily now. We just obtained a censorship order that is genuinely shocking, directing multiple social media platforms to *immediately* remove numerous prominent politicians and commentators. Show this thread 80 327 9 1,641 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 1h We'll interview at least one of the Brazilian commentators who is the subject of this order. The just has ordered his decision be kept secret. The censored analyst had no idea these platforms were ordered to ban him until we called. The key context: nytimes.com/2022/09/26/world… To Defend Democracy, Is Brazil’s Top Court Going Too Far? Brazil’s Supreme Court has acted as the primary check on President Jair Bolsonaro’s power. Now many are worried the court is posing its own threat. nytimes.com 97 258 9 1,352 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h BREAKING: The censorship regime in Brazil is growing rapidly, virtually daily now. We just obtained a censorship order that is genuinely shocking, directing multiple social media platforms to *immediately* remove numerous prominent politicians and commentators. 3,913 11,182 2,691 43,207 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h I can't overstate how shocking and dangerous this new censorship order is. It's from the same judge that even the NYT has been warning about as authoritarian: Alexandre de Moraes. Read this NYT article. It was from September. It's now severely escalating: nytimes.com/2022/09/26/world… To Defend Democracy, Is Brazil’s Top Court Going Too Far? Brazil’s Supreme Court has acted as the primary check on President Jair Bolsonaro’s power. Now many are worried the court is posing its own threat. nytimes.com 299 2,159 124 10,174 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h A sign of how repressive the situation in Brazil is: I've had to spent hours with lawyers even figuring out if I can report this. I've confronted governments around the world and this is the only time I've ever asked: "Should I report on this? Can I safely criticize this judge?" 363 1,804 150 9,870 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h But the only reason to become a journalist is to do your job no matter the threats and risks. We'll be on live on Rumble with our @SystemUpdate_ program at its regular time - 7pm ET - to report this and explain the immense dangers of it. It's stunning. 50 535 13 3,781 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h Below is the 2nd article from the NYT on the dangers of this judge's censorship powers, from Oct. I've never seen a judge in any democracy with this level of power. He's become a venerated hero of the Brazilian left, feared and off-limits from criticism nytimes.com/2022/10/21/world… To Fight Lies, Brazil Gives One Man Power Over Online Speech Brazilian authorities granted the country’s elections chief broad power to order the takedown of online content in a bid to combat soaring misinformation ahead of this month’s election. nytimes.com 93 764 40 3,793 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h For the crime of criticizing this Judge - once hated by the Brazilian left as part of a "coup" government until this shocking censorship splurge - I was branded as "pro-terrorist" on Tuesday, trending for days. The climate here is like 9/11: "with us or with the Terrorists." 65 571 15 3,372 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h The censorship regime implemented in Brazil makes the US and EU look like bastions of liberty. *Ten* members of Congress - including some with the nation's highest vote totals - have been banned by this judge from social media even though the platforms say they violated no rules 64 685 32 3,493 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h This is not confined to Brazil. Just as Brazilian prosecutors copied the US's indictment of Assange to try to imprison me for my reporting, this censorship model implemented in Brazil will be used by other countries to bar all dissent. It's a bridge too far even for the NYT. 87 593 8 3,412 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h But the breadth and scope of this order -- directing multiple platforms to immediately ban multiple politicians and analysts *within two hours,* upon threats of major fines - brings this to an all new level. Join us tonight, 7pm ET, for our live coverage rumble.com/GGreenwald Glenn Greenwald Browse the most recent videos from channel "Glenn Greenwald" uploaded to Rumble.com rumble.com 55 433 8 2,414 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 2h What right does a Brazilian judge have to order foreign platforms to ban politicians and journalists from their platform and threaten them with massive fines if they don't censor on command? Alexandre de Moraes is now making himself Chief Censor not only of Brazil but the world. 399 885 114 3,639 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 2h The liberal-left is in the US is filled with homophobia. The minute a gay man dissents from their orthodoxy, they invoke the oldest anti-gay trope: he's a pedophile. Ed Oswald is getting sued for defamation with great speed. Not even the ACLU thinks this is free speech: This tweet is unavailable 68 98 5 812 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h Quem defende um princípio não está do lado de nenhuma facção política. Um princípio não serve à esquerda ou à direita. Um princípio, por definição, tem aplicação universal. Aqueles que não conseguem raciocinar com princípios sempre assumem que todos sofrem da mesma incapacidade 588 920 110 7,042 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h Os princípios - como os direitos - não têm partido. Podem ajudar a esquerda um dia, a direita no dia seguinte. Por exemplo, o princípio de que o Estado não pode punir um cidadão sem julgamento justo um dia pode libertar o Lula. No dia seguinte, proteger um bolsonarista. 22 111 3 1,601 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h Mas o próprio princípio – o direito a um julgamento justo, liberdade de expressão, limites ao poder judicial – serve e protege a sociedade inteira. Isso é o que diferencia os princípios do poder corrupto. O fascismo e o autoritarismo só são possíveis na ausência de princípios. 41 164 10 1,878 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h Uma das coisas que vcs nunca vão me ver dizendo é “direitos humanos para humanos direitos”. Defendo o direito de todos: dos Trumpistas, petistas, dos “terroristas" em Guantanamo, dos Bolsonaristas, todos. São nesses princípios que eu acredito. É isso que eu vou defender sempre