A few comments regarding both articles. There is nothing that is new in either pieces. There is alot of fluff and Israeli self promotion in both - in that sense I see both articles as a form of psyops. Regarding Afek's "groundbreaking" thesis - bullshit. Perhaps in Hebrew it is unique, but the legal aspects of cyberwar have been researched and discussed in many forums. The Tallinn document of the EU for example. International relations theory, political science and legal theory, within academia and the military have been dealing with this for years. For example, serious treatment of the concept of "just war" in cyber terms. As a senior legal officer in the IDF, Afek is directly responsible, at the macro level, for whitewashing the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and at the micro level legalizing Israeli crimes against Palestinians. Exactly the kind of person you would want to draft a thesis on cyberwar. Not. One can google Saalbach, or Thomas Ridd as a start regarding a more serious discussion of cyberwar. Michael Dahan On Mar 17, 2014 9:30 AM, "Cari Machet" <carimachet@gmail.com> wrote:
'The Jerusalem Post recently interviewed Col. Sharon Afek, formerly deputy head of the IDF's legal division, who wrote a 149-page treatise on cyber warfare law - the first treatise of that comprehensiveness by a military lawyer of his rank and stature.'
'Many are also asking more strongly than ever: "Is international law still relevant?" Afek, who views his treatise also as a "bridge" between the pre- and post-cyber world of war, answers with a resounding "yes," but then goes further to try to resolve some of the questions of how and where it applies.
One debate in the new wild west of cyberwarfare law is between two schools of thought about where to draw the line of which cyber operations should be declared illegal under international law.'
http://www.jpost.com/Features/Front-Lines/A-revolution-in-war-339962 -- Cari Machet NYC 646-436-7795 carimachet@gmail.com AIM carismachet Syria +963-099 277 3243 Amman +962 077 636 9407 Berlin +49 152 11779219 Reykjavik +354 894 8650 Twitter: @carimachet <https://twitter.com/carimachet>
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