That's cool. So, say something those idiots don't like, and they 'keep' (steal) your money.
One of the neat things about BitCoin is it can enable the upsides of this kind of pay-to-play transaction without the downside (e.g. they keep/steal your money). Essentially you can agree to put the money in an escrow, effectively, for some amount of time and if you both decide so then it can be released to you early....but they can never get it themselves. https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Contracts#Example_1:_Providing_a_deposit On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Juan Garofalo <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
--On Saturday, December 14, 2013 1:30 PM -0800 Al Billings <albill@openbuddha.com> wrote:
From: Juan Garofalo Juan Garofalo
Do you ever have anything positive or nice to say, Juan?
Oh, I'm pretty sorry I upset you, Al. Tell me, please, Whose boots you think I should be licking?
Any that make you grow up into a human being that isn't an asshole?
Well, care you about giving an example, you stupid sack of shit?
Oops, Sorry (I fear I upset poor Al again), that should have been
"Well, care about giving an example, you stupid sack of shit? "
Now, that's better.
-- Al Billings http://makehacklearn.org