juan wrote:
Now tell me rayzer, you are a 'true' 'anarchist', and the proof that you are a 'true' 'anarchist' is that you worship the american DVM ...
Haven't had a DL in 20 years and my ID is 15 years expired. On the other hand, I don't drive a smogbox anymore, and when the police ask for ID, I IDENTIFY myself with my name. That's all I'm legally required to do. Keep the ad homs comin' rube. NEXT! -- RR "Freedom is the capacity to pause between stimulus and response." ~Rollo May
On Thu, 21 Jan 2016 11:56:16 -0800 Rayzer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
juan wrote:
invididualist anarchist ROTF! Fuck the collective right?
You don't sound like you read much on anarchism in particular or political philosophy in general.
So... tell me. What's the diff between an 'individualist anarchist' and a Libertard I don't know what you mean by 'libertard'. Then again, you don't know either...
Do you remember some bullshit comment you made about 'working class' somethig or other, and that I asked if bakunin and kropotkin were 'working class' ?
I'm still waiting for some meaningful reply from you. Ha ha ha. I know I'll wait forever.
And what about that dumb nazi marx, was he 'working class' too?
when one of it's leading Merican proponents (pretty much the only nation contributing to this school of 'thought') ...if you say so...
, ol Ben Tucker, said "if the individual has the right to govern himself, all external government is tyranny."
tucker's quote is correct, what's your problem with it? And it's based on liberal rights theory. Hardly an 'american' invention.
Now tell me rayzer, you are a 'true' 'anarchist', and the proof that you are a 'true' 'anarchist' is that you worship the american DVM becuase embodies the will of herd, correct?
At least you got something right. A herd is a collection of animals.