On 2020-10-14 20:32, Karl wrote:
james, We need actual solutions, not solutions that say they are good in a really convincing way.
Blender is a huge open source success, breaking into the big time, being free and open tool for threedee drawing. It’s development platform is of course self hosted, but not on Gitlab, on Phabricator. Maybe they know what they are doing. Git is a bit short in collaboration tools. There are three collaboration systems that fill in the gaps: GitHub, GitLab, and Phabricator. Take your pick. GitHub is perhaps the best technically, and has low barriers of entry for casual use, but has become infested with evil, dangerous, harmful, and hostile people. Gitlab has the problems you list, to which I would add that it uses Mattermost, and Mattermost has, like GitHub, become infested with evil, dangerous, harmful, and hostile people, resulting in Mattermost forks as they drive out communities for this reason, that reason, and the other reason. If you are an open source fan, and if your project is at risk of running into politics, it is Phabricator.