On 09/12/2016 11:02 AM, Carlos Rodriguez wrote:
an inspiring message, still valid 50 years later, even moreso now.
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Didn't watch. Is it the one where he talks about the dark forces seeking to overthrow our way of life and he was going to get to the bottom of it before ... [BANG!] Or is it the one where he said he was going to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind? [BANG!] Those Methedrine/B-12 injections his doctor was prescribing sure affected the former naval commander's capacity to think clearly about what his mouth said. [January 28 2008] Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: I Am No Longer Surprised By American Delusions... But The 'Reincarnation' Of JFK As A Squeaky Clean Ethical Hero Of The Liberal Left? WTF? https://archive.org/details/tth_080128 In the news segment that day: Half of the Kennedy clan comes out in support of Barack Obama including Teddy K. The "Bobby side" have pledged to Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama wins the South Carolina primary by a 2/1 margin... Primaries in Florida on Tuesday, but it doesn't count for Democrats because the Democratic party apparatchik decided to disenfranchise Florida voters, like Michigan, for moving their primary dates up, which could end up creating quite interesting turmoil at the convention later this election year. We are own worst enemy - A US spy satellite has lost power and will crash to earth...somewhere. Hopefully in the ocean. Hugo Chavez proposes a Latin American military alliance similar to NATO, with guess who as the big bad "Bear". Suharto of Indonesia, after 32 years of being one of the nastiest dictators on earth, dies. He also brought what one would commonly call Western society (cars f'rinstance) to his land. The new civilian Prime Minister of Thailand is installed... a T.V. chef who is rumored to be a proxy for the last (living in exile) PM.