Mirimir, my love, thank you very much for your kind intervention, but please just relax and forget all this discussion.  Too much ado about nothing, dear.  ;)

I really don't care about this kind of childish menace.  I don't respect coward people and I don't have patience with brats, too pampered kids.

Razer thinks that his shit stinks less than mine, what is very usual in North-American ego trips.  It isn't true.  It's excrement the same way.

Fifty bucks is "cheap" for him, a white, male, North-American.  For a Brazilian woman is not a so low value and I prefer to donate my money to good institutions, that I really respect and trust.  'Nambla' is his choice, not mine.

I always loved Razer very much, but the next time I try the suicide, I will climb his ego and jump, aff...  It will certainly be more fatal than jump off the Golden Gate Bridge!  (+-+)*

Please, Razer, try to rest a bit, eat something and keep hydrated.  Consider sex/masturbation, chocolate and probiotic yogurt.  Your mood is really bad today, aff...  :-/

Kisses and hugs, my dear.  I love you very much *when you are not kicking me*.  Instead donate cash to Nambla, kick them, not me.  They are the bad guys, not me.


On Oct 13, 2016 2:18 PM, "Razer" <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
> On 10/13/2016 10:06 AM, Mirimir opined:
> > It was just such a juvenile thing to say. And I don't even get what
> > you're upset about. It's just a fucking email list.
> There is no such thing as "just a fucking email list".
> There IS such a thing as 'waste of bandwidth'.
> But I guess that depends on your perspective.
> Rr.
> > On 10/13/2016 10:42 AM, Razer wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On 10/13/2016 09:27 AM, Mirimir wrote:
> >>> On 10/13/2016 08:42 AM, Razer wrote:
> >>>> Cc: cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com
> >>>>
> >>>> I'll tell ya what Cecilia. If you don't stop setting me, and the list,
> >>>> up for spam by using the spammer's handle and my handle FOR NO GOOD
> >>>> REASON in the same emails ... I'm gonna start subscribing you to every
> >>>> White Supremacist newsletter I can find. Then I'll start working on the
> >>>> Misogynist Sites. Then... Nambla. Maybe you like little boys eh?
> >>>>
> >>>> That's a direct threat.
> >>>
> >>> Maybe chill some, bro?
> >>
> >>
> >> Should I have just done that without warning first?
> >>
> >> http://nambla.org/joinxb.pdf
> >>
> >> $50 bucks a year outside the US... Cheap.
> >>
> >> Rr
> >
> > It was just such a juvenile thing to say. And I don't even get what you're upset about. It's just a fucking email list.