Peace by Satellite

Elon Musk has been nominated for the increasingly politicized Nobel Peace Prize by Marius Nilsen, a member of the Libertarian Progress Party in the Norwegian Parliament. Marius appreciates Elon for being a ‘stout proponent and adamant defender of free dialogue and speech in a polarized world.’ He also praised Elon for having SpaceX provide satellite coverage and Starlink terminals to connect Ukraine soldiers fighting on Kyiv’s battlefield after Russia’s February 2022 invasion of their country.

View from a SpaceX satellite deployed over Ukraine.

“The multitude of tech companies Musk has founded, owns or runs, aimed at bettering societies, increasing knowledge of both earth and space, in addition to enabling communication and connectivity globally… has helped make the world a more connected and safer place."

Marius A Nilsen, Member of the Norwegian parliament

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, which decides the winner of the award from a list of several hundred nominations every year, accepts nominations from government officials as well as people in academia. The nomination process runs through March, and the winner is announced in October.

In 2020, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, another Norwegian parliamentarian from the Progress Party, nominated Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize, citing his role in brokering the Abraham Accords, which established full diplomatic relations between Israel and two Arab countries—the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Peace on Earth and goodwill to all humankind ☮.