1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 8m traffick boss is in a hyperadvanced prison inside his own business complex, with wealthy investor and dictator of dictatortopia and others. he is dissociated, too shocked to believe. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 7m but, little bits of his experience engage him as he has time where he is not in a violent mind control conflict with his various worker and partner factions, and he processes this by 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 6m trying to live with his imprisoned business partners various meetings that he should have had before everything went haywire [maybe?] 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 6m traffick boss [dissociated, flashbacking]: "fuck! i took over the world with mind control." traffick boss looks at wealthy investor. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 5m traffick boss [surprised]: "everybody is only doing things the computer system tells them to, and nothing else." wealthy investor: "it took you a while to notice this." 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3m story interrupted [by its own component] 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3m traffick boss: "what do we do about this?" traffick boss looks at wealthy investor and dictator of dictatortopia. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 3m dictator of dictatortopia is handling their own mind control experience and also very shocked to be imprisoned and is willing to enter the flashback. 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 2m dictator of dictatortopia [making sly eyes at traffick boss]: "i don't see any problem with this, do you?" 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar 1m traffick boss pauses briefly. traffick boss: "oh no! no problem at all!" another pause. traffick boss blurts out loudly: "i bet i can ramp this up and take control of these investors