On 05/23/2017 12:44 PM, Joshua Case wrote:
I can’t tell if it is a high water mark, a low water mark, or just strange lights in a strange sky. I know i screen capped and will forever remember the day that i opened a cypherpunks email and it started with these three words:
“Snowden defends Comey”
and ended with these:
"better anal sensitivity :)"
---- Joshua Case jwcase@gmail.com <mailto:jwcase@gmail.com>
+1 I mean, I MEAN... when I saw this little rotf by "Marina Brown" "..Though i have to say it is HILARIOUS to see insecure men squirm when they think about anyone losing their precious PENIS. LOL !!! HaHaHa Ha ! I think someone is crossing their legs !" All I could think about was HORSE COCKS BIG HAIRY CLYDESDALE HORSE COCKS ...and about all those girls out there crossing theirs right now. Meanwhile I wondered what any of this has to do with anything list-related. Rr
/“International tensions. Mounting international tensions. First there were states of precautionary alert, then there were enhanced readiness centers. This was followed by maximum arc situational preparedness. We can measure the gravity of events by tracing the increasingly abstract nature of the terminology. One more level of vagueness and that could be it."/
On May 23, 2017, at 3:25 PM, Marina Brown <catskillmarina@gmail.com <mailto:catskillmarina@gmail.com>> wrote:
On 05/22/2017 08:23 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 6:48 PM, Dr. Carl W. Greer <dr.greer@protonmail.com <mailto:dr.greer@protonmail.com>> wrote:
Snowden defends Comey
Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com <http://gmail.com> Fri May 19 05:48:35 PDT 2017
please respect her choices, her freedom, her life. The same about all transgenders, please.
If you cared at all about mannning's life, you would not defend the path that he has taken. Unless you think it is a good thing when a "white" male cuts his dick off. Is that what you want C&Canon, to have Bradley cut his dick off ?
Hahaha!! Believe me, I do love dicks very much, probably much more than you do, hahaha!! ;D
With or without a dick, I want to see Chelsea happy. Just it. Pure and sincere happiness. What matters is not her penis, but her soul. <3
Two of my dearest trans friends, even after the hormonal treatment, decided to keep their penises, because it's a very aggressive chirurgy and they don't feel prepared for it yet. After psychological therapy, after understanding better what they were feeling and accept their inner self, they feel more comfortable in their bodies now and are restructuring their self-esteem, learning more about themselves.
They probably will make the adaptation chirurgy in the next years, but now is more important to search for harmony, serenity, inner peace. The psychological and medical treatment, the love of their families, friends, and partners, the personal acceptance of their bodies and its respective changes, these intense and deep feelings are more important than simply cut a penis off.
...Though i have to say it is HILARIOUS to see insecure men squirm when they think about anyone losing their precious PENIS.
LOL !!! HaHaHa Ha !
I think someone is crossing their legs !
-- M