-------- Back in MCBossComic: Boss [glaring viciously at a daisy]: "Cower, flower!" Daisy: "Something is shading my sunlight. Is a predator grazing near here? No, it is stamping on my rootlets too strongly to be a grazing predator. What could be going on? This almost feels like an alien. Hey, blade of grass, I think there's an alien shading me!" Blade of grass: "I am getting sunlight fine. I do not see an alien." Daisy: "But feel how hard your rootlets are stamped!" Blade of grass: "Oh no! I need to drink through that overly-compacted soil. Send out more chelators! Send out more kelators!" Daisy: "Right. When extraterrestrials land on your planet, mine for oil. Chelators it is!" Boss [still glaring viciously]: "Your solute enzymes don't scare me in the slightest! I am the most powerful criminal in the solar system!"