On 09/05/13 10:02 -0400, John Young wrote:
Coda: Free the Snowden docs, end censoring, peddling and lying about them like spies. That's you I'm talking about WikiLeaks, Guardian, Der Spiegel, Washington Post, O Globo, New York Times, ProPublica, end your secretive commercial spy aiding.
I don't get the idea that releasing the Snowden docs in bulk and unfiltered is entirely up to the media outlets listed. My guess is Snowden himself is doing much of the metering. The slow, but consistent, rate of blockbuster headlines is resulting in a punctuated evolutionary change in the public's view of what the NSA is doing. Remember headlines like this?: http://thehill.com/homenews/house/305409-house-intel-chiefs-snowden-lying By releasing information in this way, Snowden has clearly made liers out of these head-in-the-sand politicians. By being specific, he has forced them to defend one issue at a time. There can no longer be any blanket statements of deniability. The onus is on the defenders of these secrets to prove that they are false, to the American public. Snowden is, simply put, one of the great American heros of our time. His interests are clear, and his integrity has yet to be breached.