An 18-year-old California woman sued Kaiser Permanente and four doctors for rushing her into a mastectomy at age 13 -- along with puberty blockers and testosterone treatment -- in an effort to turn her into a man. Kayla Loydahl said doctors' high-pressure tactics included the use of a line that's widely employed by practitioners in the field -- telling her parents "it's better to have a live son than a dead daughter." “The hardest part was being sold something that I believed was going to help me and make me feel better, only to do it and come out on the other side not feeling any better,” said Loydahl. “I could always have waited, but I can’t undo it.” "Moody... fully bought the argument that children are well-served by having their breasts removed, receiving puberty-blocking drugs and otherwise having their bodies irreversibly altered before reaching the age of majority," Current Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, "This is not 'care' – it’s activists pushing a political agenda at the expense of our kids and subjecting them to permanent and harmful procedure. Only in the far-Left’s woke vision of America is it not appropriate to protect children."