Wow, you really took an interest in the fact that I used the word dialectics. Did you learn a new word? All your repeated dishonest blathering has gotten repetitive (big fucking surprise). I leave you to your cesspool =). Enjoy it, you pedantic twit. John
On Nov 5, 2016, at 2:53 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, 5 Nov 2016 07:11:30 -0400 John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
On Nov 4, 2016, at 5:20 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote: russian propaganda. I simply ignore it.
You certainly do. Blatant statist bullshit pours into and through the list and Juan the protector simply ignores it.
Yep, and that annoys people like you =)
Notice that I'm not the only one in the list who isn't bothered by russian propaganda or that openly acknowledges that you americunts are the ones messing with the russians.
You on the other hand seem to blatantly ignore the existence of your americunt empire and its actions...
But if someone mentions global warming.... or science at a professional level (and Russia has universities too), watch the fuck out. Someone's about to get called americunt =)
But of course, I'm not going to do your job, you dumb lefty americunt. My beef is with scumbags like you - a me ri cunts. There are no pro-russia local facists in argentina. There are lots of pro-amerikkka fascists tho.
Oh, I see. You have a remarkable ability to distinguish amongst and identify different types of fascists. It's good to know someone is keeping Argentina pure. (lol)
argentina is a fascist cesspool and virtual colonoy of your americunt empire - I never suggested there's anything 'pure' about argentina. Only a retard like you would get a different idea.
americunts like you don't like to be called americunts - that's a great reason to point out that you are an ameriCUNT.
And you're just a cunt, but I don't need to say it 13 times per message =).
your choice =)
Particularly as I've never had a single good word to say for America, or any other nation state. As you know of course, you dishonest fuck.
As I said you are way more pro ameriKKKA than I'm pro russia. But since you are a dishonest fuck... =)
You simply ignore Russian fascism - you just said so. You give it a pass. It doesn't bother you in the least.
I said I ignore the dumb russian propaganda on the list - That I give russian fascism a pass is just a lie on your part.
And I'll remark again that some of it is not even propaganda. For instance, only dumb americunts would believe that the russians hacked the democratic fascist party.
But no doubt, a fascist americunt would equate "not-believing-US-propaganda" with "giving-the-russians-a-pass"
I'm not pro any nation state. I don't give Russia or America a pass.
Too bad that's a blatant lie. You support state 'science', so you 'give a pass' to all nation states on the planet. You just do it in slightly underhanded way.
Again, you argue like a child, so I'm indulging you like a child.
lol...As if that was an insult.
Notice stupid scumbag how you both cheer for NATION STATE 'science' while denying that you are a pro nation state statist cunt.
Yep, you are rather stupid john...
I said :
science is real. I don't know everything. And I implied there have been useful advances from university level sciences.
Yes, and? All statist retards (like you) 'know' that given enough subsidies, the parasites who get them might do something 'useful' once in a while. So fucking what.
I already addressed the point in the discussion with Tom. The very same discussion full of points you can counter, and which led you to start whining and call me a 'hypocrite' =)
I realize your chihuahua sized brain has problems with complex thoughts, but I wonder what part of that counts as cheerleading?
What are you doing, exactly, if not cheerleading for statist 'science' when all you have to reply to somebody criticizing it, is :
"you are typying on a computer" (as if that meant anything).
You should apply that line of 'reasoning' to yourself. ANY criticism of the establishment, done using ANY medium that fucktards like you think exist thanks to the state is invalid.
Is the thought too complex for you? Again : Using anything that had anything to do with any subsidy invalidates any argument against the establishmet (in your deranged mind)
And what's the logical conclusion of that absurd premise? Why, you either become a pro-establishment, or you are a 'hypocrite'.
Are you going to call this 'dialectics'? Oh, wait :
" The art or practice of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments."
No wonder you would use 'dialectics' as a derogative term.
Yep, you are completely full of shit Juan....
I find it hilarious how much you disparage the crypto list.
Yes, I fail to appreciate its cosmic virtue, namely CENSORSHIP. A virtue you fully embrace, like a good dumb americunt.
There is a difference between censorship and a moderated technical mailing list.
You are sick piece of shit John =)
You are seriously trying to 'argue' along the lines of "war is peace" and trying to sell CENSORSHIP by changing its name.
That's both highly stupid and obviously a core totalitarian value that one would think is not a 'cypherpunk' value.
Who else advocates 'moderation' aka censorship here? Why, your fascist american brother quinn. That should tell you something....
Kind of like no sane person would give you commit privs to any source code, anywhere.
The idea that an individual list admin's agency, in the configuration of their own software, is dictated by Juan and his central committee - that's fascism.
Sure. Free specech is fascism. That's the kind of thought that fascist cunts like you freely utter with a straight face. Only americunt anti-culture can produce bots like you John =)
It's also funny that you are fully aligned with the most right-wing right wingers and their "my home my rules" slogan.
But Ive pointed this out to you before.
Again, I wouldn't expect your over excited little frontal lobe, clearly suffering from serious deformity, to understand.
And I still invite the "cesspool" comparison. This list has become a fucking cesspool, aided and abetted by you and your comrades.
Damn, Progressive American John is threatened by the russians! Call homeland security and maccarthy now!!!