On Mon, 16 Nov 2020 06:18:39 +1000 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
On 2020-11-15 23:18, Karl wrote:
To restate: when you're getting hurt, it's not anarchy. That's my community's viewpoint.
People will hurt people. For anarchy to work, the bad people have to be hurt back considerably worse.
anarchy is voluntary cooperation so Karl's definition is right. Your comment on the other hand doesn't follow. Under anarchy the number of bad people has to be low enough so that their actions don't matter. How that is achieved is an open question.
This is feasible because good people can cooperate better than bad people, but for really large scale cooperation for really large scale violence, you need a commander in chief, a sovereign, and King, and *then* it is not anarchy.
right, and that's the reason you're anything but an anarchist or libertarian, but a cookie cutter totalitarian-statist.
War is the father of us all.
yeah, spoken like the most pure, right-wing, conservative warmongering nutcase.
So, large scale cooperation on an anarchic internet needs effective means for excluding bad people
LMAO!!! The ARPANET is anything but 'anarchic'. It's one of the most sick tools for totalitarianism ever.
fortunately direct violence is difficult over the internet, which gives the edge to forms of cooperation that do not require an alarmingly entrenched sovereign.
yeah that's why the ARPANET is run by google-fukerbook-amazon-NSA, all 'private' facades for the 'silicon valley' US industrial military complex .
The American empire has become the Anti American empire.
Trump and Maga is revolt against the American empire
in case there was any more proof that you're the most crass shill ever, you provided proof yet again. We are still waiting for the orange moneky to shut down twatter. OH WAIT, the orange monkey is a twatter adict.