On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 12:31 PM, g2s <g2s@riseup.net> TOP POSTED HTML JUNK (-:
The last full size image I posted
Never said referring that, it can refer any image retardation. Were referring to that... the content could simply be the twat link [1]. Or cut / paste from twat as plaintext to fill readers with efficient context [1], as image does not convey additional info than text original (beyond exposing posters imaging metadata), wastes posters / readers time to capture and handle, and bloats thousands of readers spools.
Ps. <fuck_you>
This is why we shall win a glorius action together someday, Qapla! [1] Any image / text is fakeable by the poster, and rarely signed against by the original, absent that, any preservation / authenticity claim is more properly a level of trust assigned by the reader to the poster, exclusively in that direction only.