On Mon, 7 Aug 2017 16:21:37 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
On Sun, Aug 06, 2017 at 07:38:08PM -0300, Juan wrote:
If you actually were anti state you'd be against the family too, because the family is the source of all the authoritarian nonsense or 'culture' that makes the state possible.
Of course the logic in this is logical, but ...
Yes, he who grows up with an abusive authoritarian father, meek and submissive mother possibly also violent upon the child when the father is away (taking out her repressed anger on the one small and unable to defend himself) may have a tendency to grow into his father's boots and support or recreate an authoritarian state where none otherwise exists.
But he who grews up with a single mum, not quite a bastard child, "missing out" on certain holidays trips and other extra curricular activities by virtue of "living in the alley", struggling to find sane boundaries and a grounding authority (external or internal) may also swing toward recreating or supporting the authoritarian state.
Point being, broken families in no way guarantee something other than maintenance of a despotic authoritarian state!
I don't think the difference between 'broken' families and 'good' families makes too much sense. Good cops are dead cops. Of course, some families are worse than others but they all operate on the same authoritarian principle : "my house, my rules" And people who have been subjected to such 'philosophy' since they are born will then accept state authority as something 'normal'.
In fact far from it, I posit that broken families, by virtue of the lack of grounding authority and sane boundaries-upon-which-to-safely-test-and-grow-ones- internal-strengths as a child, leads almost inevitably to desire for a strong external state authority, and therefore an authoritarian state! (personal experience of experiences and consequent inner reactions/ motivations arising therefrom)
Those who have been abused by external authority, either state or family, may well seek ("other") external authorities to "improve my world".
And when the state and other created-by-the-state (/church) authorities provide backup, support and effective sanction for despotic family authority, the child who grows up suffering the bottom of the shit pile may instead of seeking "another external authority", may say "damn, y'all full o lies and abuse, keep your damned authority away from me!"
But those bastard childs who grow up in broken families, no families, and also those who grow up in balanced grounded "reasonable" families, can also reach this comprehension of external authorities vs "my own internal authority", and conclude that "my own internal authority would actually be relatively functional in this world, at as compared with the external authorities I have experienced" - stop imposing upon me, and you might find we can create a high functioning world together as "a community" or whatever you want to name it.
The problem is, that many humans today fail to witness their own role in the interplay between their own actions and the external authorities that react, or respond, to those actions (let alone actually witnessing one's own internal authority!),
and so the majority (by this lack of insight) clamour for external authorities "to fix the problems", and the extant authorities readily claim to be able to solve said problems, and the rest of the majority tend to believe, or at least go along with all this and maintain the external authorities by active and/ or tacit consent,
and thus is perpetuated the existing state of affairs of external authorities, which the evidence shows is full of graft and ready corruptibility by $.
The age old problem continues, pursuant to the average state of consciousness of ones fellow humans.
The current reality of the predominant existence of external authorities and their tools and abuse of power, and the overwhelming tendency of the average human to clamour for said external authorities, is the reality we face.
For any journey of change, it is from the present reality that we begin, communicating with today's fellow humans, not some ideal utopian humans we wished existed - we're in this together, like it or not!
Good luck,