Hi jim,

You've probably blocked me by now, but

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021, 6:56 PM jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:

The problem, briefly stated, is "How do you defend a country based on anarchistic or libertarian principles, if they cannot tax themselves to put on a defense?"

The money and labor rise from people who value defense.  This value is clear when the danger is clear.

AP is a little similar to a culture I heard of among indigenous people in canada.  There is a nation of them who do not provide for outsiders to trespass on their land.  The punishment for trespass is death, and that's just a part of their shared culture and has been for as long as anybody knows, so the entire nation would be familiar with supporting it.  When living off the land, if the ecosystem is mistreated (e.g. overhunted by a neighbor), your families die, so managing the impact of others has been important.

But jim and I disagree on the result of money.  I think I see supporting unlimited wealth as oppressive and jim sees it as freeing, not sure.  Regardless you probably need some kind of financial government to provide for unlimited wealth, since people as a whole only have so much demand.  Most people don't want advertisements in their search results, and those ads produce a lot of unnatural demand.