On 1/2/2018 7:20 AM, jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Famously, the Khmer Rouge hated intellectuals, especially foreign educated intellectuals - but this was because the Khmer Rouge were foreign educated intellectuals. The left hates itself, and when it gets the power to destroy its enemies, it makes a start on destroying its enemies, and then destroys itself. The Nazis killed thousands of commies, but the commies killed tens of millions of commies. This has happened over and over again, and there is a good chance it will happen in the American empire before long.
Is there one leftist dictatorship that murdered fewer leftists than Pinochet executed leftists? If Allende had successfully seized power, he would have been immediately overthrown by elements of his coalition even more radical than himself, as the Kadets were immediately overthrown by Kerensky, and Kerensky immediately overthrown by Lenin, and at least ten times as many leftists would have died. Similarly, if Mueller succeeds in giving Trump the perp walk without Trump's bodyguards giving him a helicopter ride, shortly thereafter Brown Berniedette is going to give Mueller the perp walk, and not long thereafter, execute Trump, execute every member of Trump's family, and execute Mueller. And not long after that ...